Contestants of Big Brother UK..(2009)
Experiencing human social behaviour experiment
Sees the clashing of different human personalities and backgrounds
Friendships and enemies were made
Fans and hate mails awaits
All kinds of people with all types of personalities, beliefs and attitudes.
Sometimes, you just wonder why there are people you can get along with, and people you just can't seem to tolerate.
As much as I love studying and observing people, I still find it hard to like everyone and I believe, not everyone likes me. I just hope that most people do, I guess.
But I find the relations between people very interesting.
There are people whom you know you'll click from the moment you meet them.
There are people whom you really dislike at first, and later learn to kind of like them.
There are people whom you never thought you'll click with but then end up super close.
There are people whom you think you'll like, but at the end of the day, can't get along.
And of course, there are people who, from the sight of it, you know you are not born to be in the same gang or and you don't even want to be related to them through speech.
And then, there are people who's personality clashes completely with yours but you can still get along super well with them because they compliments you. But then in some cases, there are some people's who's personalities are different from you and they just get on your nerves so bad that you just want to pull that nerve out. (Dramatic visual description that metaphorically describes the pain).
Deny it if you want, but we are sadly divided into our own cliques in our own ways.
We are connected with each other in different ways; for example, if we like the same things or have the same interest - we click. If we've been through the same experiences, we understand each other and thus, we can click. If we behave the same way, we click.
I don't condone outcasting or boycotting people but then there are times in which it is hard to get someone who obviously don't belong to fit in the group. I do not criticize that person but then, I believe that that person just am waiting for his/her own group that completes him/her. However, if that person is a total complete utter jerk, then excuse me for being a tad cruel and harsh. It is 90% ignoring that person and 10% depending on my mood.
In my personal opinion, working on the most screwing assignments or any other tough projects are solid tests of whether or not you can stand a particular person. It also shows how strong all of you are as a team. If you can endure a person for the whole duration of the project and at the end of the project, still fond of that person, your friendship with that person can go miles long. If halfway through, you go through a bitter argument which left the two parties sour forever, oh well, I guess that's it for you then.
I remember clearly til today our team for our Final Year Project, our short film production. I think that period has clearly indicated to me who are the people I can bear with and who I can't. But I am honestly very happy that most I have great team mates whose style of working compliments mine.
I believe even for couples, you need to go through hardship together to test your love. If you can wade through a series of misfortunes, I believe that relationship is 90% secured with a tight love bond.
I guess although God say we are all brothers, there are still brothers that we can't seem to understand because everyone has their own thoughts and their own way of behaving. My policy is to ignore and disregard people whom I choose to disagree with or who doesn't share a chemistry with me (for many various reasons) but then I guess it's not always the right thing to do. Sometimes, you just can't do that, and it is very unfortunate. In worst case scenarios, you have to fake liking a person, in which, to date, I find it really hard to do. Nothing is easy in life ya, including faking it. But again, I'm glad that most people around me are likable and for now, there are still a very small amount of people whom I need to fake favouritism.
But then when you are fake, people criticize you but then you kind of have to do it in this world, right?
I'll conclude that it is not easy dealing with people, but I guess that is part of where the fun is - to deal with different characters who have so many different ways of thinking. There are so many things that we can explore. At the end of the day, I'd say that humans are the same but yet so very different at the same time. Studying people is part of my interest but at the same time, I think learning how to accept people I'm not so fond of and manipulating them into someone I like is a more positive lesson. Or perhaps, I'll just stick with my way of dealing with them - ignore.
That's my random thought on people and human relations.
Learning to cope with a sea of personalities that range from the north pole to south pole.
Nobody is liked by everybody and that's just painful.
I wish I could be one of those who loves everyone. Then life would be much easier and simpler. :)
With Lotsa Love
Out and down with flu