A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Saturday, March 20, 2010


It's been so so long since I last wrote.
It is a good sign that I don't actually crap so much here because it means that I'm out living my life!!
But I try my best-est to taint this sheet of electronic space with some wordy emotions and expressions. USually I feel drained after work, so it is only weekends that I could spare the time.

Loads have been going on for me and I can say that I've been having mostly great times at work and in life.
I'm really happy to say now that I'm really happy with a lot of things that is happening for me. But I'm still human, so I'll still find things to complain about, but generally, I'm super happy and blessed. 

I've met some of the coolest people and it is really a blessing to know these people. 
One of the person I appreciate most currently is Stef. She is one of my boss but she has been more than nice to me and she is one of the coolest, funniest person I know and she is extraordinarily fun to be with. Most of my days at work were cheered up by her presence. She might not now it but I'm so grateful for many of the things that she's done for me. She was the one who gave me stuff to do, and took care of me directly and indirectly. So I really can't explain how grateful I am to her, but I really really am touched by her. Plus she is a Broadcast student with loads of cool experience and stories to share. It is really cool that day by day I get to learn more and more about her fantastic backgrounds and stories.

Yesterday I got to go to Bernama TV.
It was a highlight as I get to visit a real studio! Super kewl! I'm a broadcast student and at that moment, I felt that I was back to Advanced Diploma days in which I was doing my own studio recordings with my friends. The feeling was super good!~
But there were times where I felt intimidated but overwhelmed by the host, Anne Edwards. 

I then went to "keh-poh" (the act of being a busy-body) at their audio-visual room in which I saw the personnel doing time-checks, switching between cameras etc. It was pretty awesome being back there as part of the crew but doing NOTHING lar haha. The interview wasn't bad either. It was kinda super hilarious! Haha...I mean, our clients were super hilarious on TV. We spent our time laughing while watching them but it was overall not bad. 
It really is a fantastic experience and I have Stef to thank for bringing me along...=D
I also had fun carrying shoes ;P (that is another story that I shall not elaborate but yes, I carried a huge box of shoes) After that we even went to dine at a Vietnamese restaurant. The beef were darn delicious...*slurp*...Excuse me but you do know how crazy I am when it comes to beef...Thanks for the treat guys!!
Stef tagged me in this pic on FB because I spent half the time here haha
She's such a doll...

I wanted to blog yesterday (since it was still fresh) but I was just tooooooo tired I slept at an amazingly early 11.30 pm. 

Today I had another adventure with hot air balloons.
I'm sure most of you know about the International Hot Air Balloon event in Putrajaya. 
It was cool to go to Putrajaya since it's been so so long. Jessie was a sport enough to hang out with me. It was such a 'romantic date' lolx! Aww Jessie I love you but I really wished it was Jensen with me haha only kiddin'.
But Jessie was so cool to teman me and we spent most of the time girl-talking than actually balloon watching lar. But it was indeed another great night.
The balloons came in various shapes, sizes and colours. There was one chicken shaped one and another Dark Vader's head. But the fireworks were amazingly beautiful.

Next week is another new week and I just hope that I screw up less at work and also stop complaining that much lar. In many ways I feel I'm lucky but I just can't stop complaining aiyo...Traffic lar, not enough time lar ...you name it haha...But seriously, I AM HAPPY!! I'm so glad I am! Haha...

The other day I worked till 2am. I was so tired that night that I had to swear at those Chinaman accent but then I felt really satisfied because I actually had to work til that late. I miss dedicating my energy to work, like last time when I was it college. I kinda forgot what it felt like stressing over jobs/assignments. Oh well, I'm not sure if my translation was good enough (I hope it is) but I really did my best. I mean, haha, I can only use my mandarin to survive normal day-2-day conversations, and even that, I have to mix it around with English or Cantonese. When Mr. Chinaman talks...Oh My God...lolx. It's my fault lar...in some ways, how can a communication student be so weak in communications right?

Updates over!~ Back to my book "The Bone Collector". I've been so lazy these days I haven't been reading much of it. I also haven't had the time to catch up with King Kong last week lar but nevermind, movie week is next!! (Hope she doesn't ditch me then)

See ya folks around
With Lotsa Love,
a.k.a Mrs. Ackles for now.
Don't miss me ;P

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I really wish I had pictures to share but I don't.
I was part of a Women's day celebration today at One U Central Park. Oh well, I wished I could have done more to help though; I was basically standing there looking real stupid and not contributing much. But I met some people there which was quite an experience. I guess half the crowd was washed away by the rain. The grass became super muddy and squelchy, so it wasn't really pleasant to look at, let alone walk on. Not that I mind, but it just made my feet feeling super uncomfortable after that.
No worries though I had a friend staying nearby and I got to get rid of my dirty pants and clean my feet.

I was really kinda intimidated today because there were so many successful and great people (all who are human rights fighters) there. I really feel that I lack the in-depth knowledge to mingle with these people. They were lawyers, politicians...you name it, they were all here today.  So, I'm glad I was part of it. It was a great experience.

Next to our booth was the PT Foundation which helps people with HIV. They preach safe sex and also help people who are HIV+ through counselling and various other stuff. They also offer free HIV tests. They gave us free condoms...Funny because I guess I've never taken safe sex seriously because it is not really in my culture to practice sex before marriage. But I guess the fact that in Malaysia, they are giving away condoms as goodies shows that our society is getting liberal. Seriously, I still have no idea what to do with the condoms. I opened it out of curiosity just now, and oh well, wasted some latex because I threw it away. But on a more serious note, it is important to practice safe sex if you are sexually active. I guess it is naive to believe that most Malaysians save their virginity for marriage because seriously, people are changing drastically. The more I open myself to the society, I realized that staying a virgin is really not mandatory anymore for many. This is an arguable issue; I have my stand but I guess I'll also have to be open to those who have a different standpoint (so that people don't call me 'dinosaur' for my conservative thinking). I mean, I guess there is really nothing wrong about sex before marriage. I mean, I'm not condoning it personally (because I believe sex before marriage might get you into some serious s***) but there's really nothing super wrong about it, especially in the context of today's society. 

This event's theme this year is to fight for women's equal rights and that women and men can progress forward together.

I guess in Malaysia, we are in a better situation than Middle Eastern countries in which women are really really of low status. I once read a book entitle "Mosaic", it's about this American Arab women whose husband took her children away from her because he feels that she is too Western and thus, not doing what a woman should do - and that is, be a domestic wife who subdues to her husband. The story is about how this woman resorted to illegal methods to fight for her rights on her children, because in Arab, she can't do anything in law to gain custody of her children. It shows that women in Arab countries are powerless. They are, if put in the harshest words, slaves to men.  

I always find defining the word 'feminism' an interesting topic to argue. 
What defines a 'feminist'? Is it a description of a woman who is good with domestic skills and caters to their man's needs? Or does it define a woman who is independent, confident and successful in her career? (The best way to argue this issue is using the movie "The Stepford Housewives". It is a brilliant movie that highlights feminism. One of these days maybe I will put into words my thoughts about this movie.)

I guess both are correct. It really depends on which standpoint you look from. I always find girls who subdue to and are dependent on their men weak but if we see it differently, perhaps  they can give men something that some successful and opinionated women can't - they are always there for their man but career woman can't because they are just too busy. It is not easy to be a woman who can successfully take care of a whole household and patiently listens to their husbands or boyfriends (I really can't do that because I'm toooooooo egoistic to give in to others haha). 

It's best to be both but, yo, we are not all Goddesses and perfect. So...let's not be idealistic. I'm not sure if I'm going to be the career woman type yet (no signs of being successful yet haha) but I'm kinda pretty sure that I'll fail miserably as a domestic and loving housewife. Opps!

Anyway, I'm really happy in a way that here in Malaysia (no matter how we dislike some of the things here) that we still get almost equal rights as men. We see successful women spearheading managements, we also have women doing stuff that men do, and most of all, we have the rights to celebrate WOMEN. Of course we are still in some ways discriminated to a certain extend, and also sometimes, we are victims of sexist remarks made by "you-kn0w-who"s, but I really hope that we are getting there. 

I am off to bed already. Today was a long day for me though it didn't really zap up my blues. I'm really very emotional these few days I friggin' have no idea why. I'm still trying to pull myself together again, face the challenges and move on. Hope to have better days.


With Lotsa Love,
ps: I feel that I've lost something that I can't tell...

Friday, March 12, 2010


There are things that can't be expressed, be it fixating it or literally expressing it.
I guess I've learned the hard way that you just can't put them into words - sometimes literally but sometimes metaphorically.
Sometimes, you feel sad but generally, you just don't know how to explain where the sadness is generated from.

Sometimes you feel sad about something but you just can't write about it (ironic because now I'm writing about sadness) because of the consequences. Whatever it is, you are just soaked in sorrow for God knows how many days and you force yourself to move on and on and on until you can't take it anymore. And then, you either die from depression or you get stronger. I hope I'm the latter case.

The jinx of the tiger has not receded yet. It's bad. Many people I know are not happy or facing some sort of trouble. It's like the gloom somehow penetrates and circulates the globe. I just am feeling the negativity, or is it just me and my superstitions that lead to a psychological effect that things are bad? Why am I sad? I guessed it's because of insecurities that I landed myself in this situation. I'll have to learn to get over it again.

So when I was in the midst of my sorrows, I almost fail to notice this hot dude who opened the door for me. Now I know he stays on the 5th floor (since we traveled up together on a lift ;P). Okay hot dudes are just nice to see lar haha...their effects only last awhile. Haha. Contrary to popular beliefs, I am not the girl who would want a hot bf or husband because I'm too freakin' insecure haha.

Anyway again....
I saw in the newspapers today the top scorer for SPM this year. Congrats to her! I mean she is obviously one brainy girl. 
However, the story on her (her friends dubbed her the 'human photocopier')reminds me of the fact that our students are still memorizing instead of really trying to express through understanding. I guess it's the system. I mean, I won't deny that the fact that I survived my school days were due to memorizing notes and all. Sad but true. And I guess in many ways, I've learned that it's really not about that. It's not that we don't understand the text, but it's like we just have to memorize it.

Then there's another news article about the fact that results have once again  improve this year. My GOD! Every year also improve. "Good" news. "Brilliant". So it's safe to say all our students, the next generation are getting smarter. Great great. I mean, I guess we're the only country that have an ascending graph when it comes to students' results. Every year it's going up and never really go down. I think we should be proud! Malaysia really can (Malaysia Boleh) when it comes to things like this. 

Anyway to my Cousin Carmen...
Congrats girl. You did well. But if you feel that the world is unfair and that you feel you deserve better results, well, you have the right to. I know how it feels because I've been through one situation like this before and you know what, we will learn to get over it soon because seriously, the paper, though important, it is never really the core of things. Plus your results really is great and you will only do better. High-D for you soon.

So well, there goes another day. Great news is that today is a Friday!! So I'm going to have a great weekend (fingers crossed). Well we are all going to have a family gathering and all, so it could be fun while I try to chase off them sadness. Sigh...

Cheers people~

With Lotsa Love,
Insecurities are killing me....
I really feel like Ugly Betty, just less confident and less great. Don't ask. Long story.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I'm literally red in the face due to sun-burnt. =D
Okay...not particularly happy about the pain on the face, but I'm glad and super happy about the tan haha. 
Plus, today I really had a blast with my friends at the pool. I love to swim under the sun though many would argue that it is really bad for the skin to do that. In Malaysia, going under the sun when it is almost 40 degrees out there (too exaggerated? Well, it felt like 40 degrees...) is a crazy thing that only idiots would do and today, a bunch of idiots decided to take on the challenge. 

I love to swim under the sun because then the waters wouldn't feel so cold. Sometimes I am reluctant to jump in because it is too cold in there but such hot weather gives me such good reason to just run and jump into the water. So today is really SUPER SUPER fun!!

We played silly children games in the waters. I'm not sure what this game is called - you know you have this momma chicken protecting her chicks from the wolf...ya..that one. Haha, try playing that in fluid. My God. It practically worked every single muscle I had in me. Now I'm suffering from "arm-aches" and I really don't know if it's because of the Badminton or swimming. Well, for someone who seldom work out (yours truly), today's activities are really a form of vigorous exercise. But thank God, it was super super fun, though right now, at this moment, I'm super exhausted. Lol...But that doesn't really keep me from writing this, does it? ;P I guess not.

The condo's swimming pool!!
One of my favourite relaxing and hang out spot.

The idiots...! But we love the water!!!!!!

After the swim and some delicious food prepared by my dearest mum (I love her most when she is such a caring mum lol), I prepared for Part 2 of my day. Another gathering with another bunch of friends, oh well, just King Kong. The other half of King Kong, YC couldn't make it because of heavy work load (poor him but that's another story haha) and so it was down to 2 girls and a screwed up movie night.

We planned to watch "Up In The Air" starring George Clooney but we failed to book the tickets yesterday and we decided to just try our luck at the cinema. Oh well, let's just say that this year is really not King Kong's year. She's born in the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese Calendar and this year, it is predicted that they are in the worst of luck. Tonight basically epitomizes that luck of hers. 

So, no movies because besides "Up In The Air", all other movies also have a huge audience rating since its, hello...Saturday night. So the seatings left were even worst than worst. So then, we sorta decided to just EAT since King Kong is hungry. We were heading towards "Old Town Cafe" for delicious "Kai Si Hor Fun" (Sliced Chicken Noodles...something like that) and of course, my favourite "White Coffee" (anything coffee related is my favourite) when we saw this place with loads of people in it. Oh Great! I don't know what happened but that's when one of our brain waves were triggered and we decided to try that place out. Before we knew it, we were in it ordering and it was practically "THE BEST" and I mean "THE BEST" place I've ever dine in. I meant it sarcastically though because the food there were really really bad. For someone like me who isn't picky when it comes to food to say that the food there is bad, it is seriously BAD. But I think the cafe should be proud because their "Cham" (if you're a noob-head, 'cham' is a drink in which you mix coffee and tea) has definitely earned its spot on the list of my worst drink ever. Congrats! I mean, I love "Cham" but that one nearly scare me into not ever having another cup of my favourite drink. 

And then there's the ROJAK. OMG!!!! Why must they destroy another of my favourite? It was definitely THE WORST Rojak ever to grace planet Earth. If that was the first Rojak I had, I swear to God that I'd never ever eat Rojak again. Thank God my first Rojak experience was the right one haha. But seriously, it was bad. 

So we had strings of bad luck - bad luck with movies, bad luck with food too. But we aren't going to let these setbacks destroy our outing muahaha and so King Kong suggested we go to Kepong for a taste of blended-ice. Apparently there's this place in Kepong that serves super delicious icy desserts lar and I'm dying for it due to thirst and the fact that I needed something to wash off the Rojak-crap taste in my mouth. So, two noobs headed towards Kepong, with King Kong knowing only about 40% of the directions while I contributed 0%, but just my driving skills haha.

We got there successfully, with the help of one of our Uni mates, who stays in Kepong. When we reach, we found out that the shop had chose, of all days, today as a resting day. That's when we realize that the King Kong Tiger has continued to bestow upon us unlucky charms. We travelled all the way to Kepong for......$Q#$^&Q#* lolx. But okaylar...it was really fun because our Kepong buddy ended up bringing us to this beautiful place at Desa Park City. It was by a lake and we took a stroll along the park and stopped by this super cool playground. Seriously, the playground is SUPER COOL!! It is not installed with your typical see-saw, merry-go-round, or swings but rather uniquely designed facilities for children's leisure. It is a very very creative playground seriously! Then we tasted "Coffee Bean's" new Yoghurt and chatted all the way past midnight. I guess our bad luck ended there haha. 

But when I got home (near 2AM), I was surprised to see dad awake when I opened the door. I cursed automatically in my mind...lol. Darn it man!! Caught in act! Most ladies do not have the privilege to hang out late. You know how parents are. They get super freaked out when daughters come home late. *shrug* But for boys, they are encouraged to go out and not come back before 3AM. '=.= 

I mean, I understand that it is dangerous lingering at night but sometimes, you feel so restricted you know. =( sigh...Plus, anytime before 2AM is actually okay in my opinion. I guess when the clock strikes 3AM, that's when the alarm should ring I guess.
Oh well, but what do I do? Dad has this indirect approach of questioning me...he makes a big U-turn into telling me about how dangerous it is to come home at this time by asking me safety precaution questions...So, I just evade them as much as I can and concentrate on my laptop *smiles big*. 

Overall, had a blast. Today is one maximized Saturday. Tomorrow another outing and I haven't even ask permission yet. Oops...I'm so dead man!! I can't help it. I just love to hang out. I hate being stuck in one place, and I guess that explains why I just can't stand a 9 to 5 job. But then, most secure jobs are 9 to 5 jobs and right now, I have to choose security haha. 

Till next time then
Eyes can barely open.

With Lotsa Love,

Friday, March 5, 2010


Yesterday, 4th of March 2010 was Derique & Pai Wah's 23rd Birthday!

Had a great time with all my friends @ TGI Friday's @ the Curve Damansara. Can you believe it's my first TGI meal? It costs me a bomb to be honest because this month, I'm actually kinda broke lol, yes, and it's only the beginning of the month. Sigh...MONEY IS A REAL HEADACHE. And I hate that I'm letting MONETARY issue stress me out. But it's okay because everyone had fun and I guess, sometimes, I just have to focus on that...to enjoy every moment before it's too late.

Okay back to happy mode. Since it's my first TGI visit (I know I'm very outdated okay, 23 and this is my first TGI experience lol...), let's talk a bit about the experience.

 I'm not paid promoting this so don't worry.
It's not a lie and I'm not lying about me not lying either.
Okay...it doesn't really have to make any sense ;P

Good thing is the food is relatively cheaper when you share them. An approximately RM 30 meal when split only cost one person around RM 15 (RM 17++ after tax) and you are sure to be stuffed even with half the servings. Seriously, be wise because you can never finish one plate on your own, especially if you are those who just couldn't consume much. Even our birthday boy (whom I clearly remember eats a lot) had trouble finishing up his 2 chickens and the pile of fried sweet potatoes that came with the meal. 

First up. Our appetizer was superbly delicious. Fried macaroni and cheese man! The ultimate. Anything cheesy (I mean literally) works for me. LOL. I guess basically, just these 6 cheese-balls is enough to fill 3/4 of your empty stomach. 

Fried balls
Picture courtesy of whichever website the picture links you to.
I lost the picture I took...

Then there is the Tuscan Chicken Melt which I shared with King Kong. Though her name is the grand King Kong, she really doesn't eat much...and she practically left the whole plate of fries for me (I'm thinking no way, but could it be that King Kong is actually trying to be nice?? Hmm...). On any other desperate days, I'll go gaga but sadly, yesterday I was really really really to full to actually cater to the extra fries. =( So sad...

Tuscan Chicken Melt
Pictures again courtesy of whichever website the pic links you to ;P
Then our Tuscan chicken melt was also another bomb though I wished that the toast was not that dry.

Most of my friends ordered "Boneless Wings" and it was so hilarious because when the waiter served, we heard "Bonus Link". So from then on...that dish is called Bonus Link, well at least in our terms. '=.= That's what happens when you hang out with goofballs.

"Bonus Link"

Also weird is when we see everyone of us in work-mode already (though right now they still manage to maintain their goofiness). The bunch of us who are usually clad in t-shirts, jeans and sporting college student looks are now all talking about work and all. My God....I really feel old!! Can't believe it but we are actually 'adults'. I wonder what gathering will be like when some of them are married with kids and all. I personally don't mind babysitting lol.

Anyway back to the celebration. I've heard of the TGI Friday's chants for birthday boys and girls and we got to experience that. We had 2 'victims' yesterday haha so it was kinda cool. The people at TGI's really took an effort to cheer for us. Sadly I do not have pics to upload because of my 'gone-crazy' phone. Sad =(. I even lost the "Paparazzi-styled-picture" of Derique and his girlfriend holding hands and making plans haha. It was one pic that I secretly took of them without them noticing me & King Kong walking behind them, so they were lovey-dovey haha. Oh but my damn phone camera's shutter sound has to give me away again! Same as what happened with Andrew! Argh!!!!! Embarrassing~ (Long story)

Oh well, that was about a year ago and though it was an embarrassing moment, it is still a memory.
That's it for now then...

Till next time!
With Lotsa Love,