A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Jules and Prem on FlyFM Rush Hour were talking about 'regrets' in life on yesterday show, getting listeners to call in and talk about what they would do differently if they were 17 Again.

My mum was driving me home from work (yes, one of those days where I get pampered) while the session was ongoing and I had the privilege to really think about this while in the car. 
*By the way, the car is like one of the best place to think about things, isn't it? Even while driving my thoughts can fly off...

I don't know if it's a good or bad thing but seriously, I've never really regretted any major decisions or things until now. So if I were 17 again, I guess I'll still make the same decisions I did back then. Perhaps the only thing I'd do more is spend time with my grandparents...

From making some of the most idiotic choice of words to stupidly and naively blogging about almost everything and then facing the severe consequences, I think I still wouldn't have done anything differently. Again, I believe that all those things had made me who I am and though I remember crying a well of tears, I guess that the waters flowed and now I'm sailing on....quite happily though again, there are times I wonder where I am, like I'm lost in the middle of the sea. Sometimes, it's like I see that island I'm heading to once again. 

But generally, I am glad that I can think back and regret nothing major. There are one or two minor things in which I wished I didn't do or anything but I try my best not to ponder upon silly mistakes but rather push myself forward. I guess I've always respected the saying "live with no regrets". I forgot who said it, but it is someone wise and I was advised to not regret what you've said or done, but rather what you've not said or done. Hmm...mull over it and see if it makes any sense lolx.

Oh well I better hit the sack.
It's so late but I feel obliged to at least contribute a line or two since I've neglected all my blogs. That's what reports and work do to you! It strips off your creative cells and leave you with no time to write!!

Good night people
Enjoy Uruguay and Holland's match later

With Lotsa Love

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