A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


*Beep* Beep* Beep* Beep*

That is not me swearing but rather an alarm alert hahahahhahaa.

Okay people! How are things?

It's been a while since I got a chance to really tap words, now not because of work though haha.
I admit that for the past 2 weeks, I've been a little mellow and living my 100% couch potato life and thus, gaining a few pounds, literally.
I've been so engrossed with my drama series that I sort of neglected my blogs.
Not only that, I guess it has also made me a bit lazy at work haha. It's real bad. But now that I am finally done with the last episode, it's safe to say that I'm getting back on track.

This week however, is packed with work once again!!
I had a short breather and that's about it haha. But at least had room to breathe lar. But thankfully, I managed to screen over all the episodes of my drama, or else, I'll have even more piled up work.

I still don't understand why I need to deal with problematic people like one of our clients.
Seriously.....if there is a "Test My Patience" award, I'm giving the prize to 'the client'. Sometimes I am so sick of them I just want to scream 10 full sentences constructed only out of foul, vulgar language right in their face. Maybe it might not make any sense, but those words aptly describe a lot on the pent up misery when facing and dealing with them.


You see. It calmed me down haha.
But then again, when I have the sense to think back, handling them serves as a very good training. 
I've been humiliated, I've been scolded, I've been criticized, I've been looked down upon....
Where else can one get the world's greatest training for self-strengthening and development if not the occasional string of self-destructive words that dilapidates one's self-esteem system? 
Congratulation client, you guys are the 'best'.

Sometimes, you don't get compliments for a job well done. You get extra work that is twice as hard.
I guess that really is life and work huh? Perhaps I just found out this sad truth. Let's face it. Everyone face it. Everyone gets scolding of some sort - from bosses, or other clients they deal with...and then let it out on someone else, who will then let it out on another person. 
I wish it were smiles that we passed on instead of words of anger.

But generally, I'm most excited about the writing part of the job.
I'm still quite weak at it but I guess will really have to work on writing press releases. It is easy and hard at the same time but all I can say is, it definitely require skills.

So in order to churn more writing juice, I forced myself to contribute a few crappy lines here as adornment of some sort haha. 
But I guess this is it for now since it should be bedtime for normal work slaves.

I hate that all my stories are on my life. I think I will have to work on better things to write about in this blog.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................

So below are the result of total randomness:

Lindsay Lohan starts jail term? - Congratulations! At least a sign of justice from God.
Harith Iskandar had just gotten married? - I thought he was married all along
Facebook games? - Still trying to beat my boss in every single game but I'm still a loser, baby!
On being fat? - What the heck....I'm fat and diets won't work on me. Will try to exercise la...
On sleeping too much? - Don't regret sleep. Regret only when you have eye bags or better known as panda eyes.
On writing press releases? - I'm still writing a fact sheet and not a press release haha! 

With Lotsa Love
*A shout out to all July babies - have a few namely me sis & 2 friends

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