A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


So this Saturday brought me to Kepong where I had mellow yet relaxing supper with a cool bunch of friends.
It was an eye-opener because we actually witness an uncle trying to auction off his crystal collection in the food court where we dine in.

Call me crazy but I never knew that people would actually spend money believing superstitions like these, but they do. 
"This crystal here will bring you luck with ..."
And people buy it. I mean though most of the sales are less than RM100, still I don't think money spent on superstitions like these are worth it, you know what I mean. Oh well, perhaps they really like the crystals. But some of those are just hideous balls, but no offense, I really have no tastes anyway.

What is ironic was the fact that we just minutes ago attended a talk on Chinese superstitions and voodoo practices and there we were at the food court, with a direct demonstration of those miraculous superstitions.

I guess today's talk on Chinese voodoo practices is really interesting, though again, my lacking in Mandarin was a disadvantage. I was able to grasp 65 to 70% of it (I mean, I think I understood what I understood) so the rest of the content was quite a blur. But generally, I think I was enlightened about those 'religious' Chinese practices.

Of course I've been exposed to those Chinese traditional voodoo-ish rituals - like summoning the dead, dancing and prancing around God rituals...not to say I believe in those bringing in any luck or anything but I wouldn't disregard the fact that those things really work sometimes, though obviously, like explained by the Reverend today, those miracles aren't exactly work of the Gods. It's more like some spirit out there doing its thing. 

I'm not here to write about what God I believe in or anything because if I were to write my thoughts on that, it will take forever and honestly, my religious views are in ways even confusing to myself so I'll leave it at that haha.

But generally, I'm to a certain extent superstitious but I'm not a fool to believe that drinking Talisman would help me get the things I want. I guess to achieve something you need 2 things - faith (which actually means you believe in your God) and hard work. 

Oh well, I think it's best that I sleep now haha.
Saturday night fever has mellowed down. By the way, the dude at the auction kept saying "Saturday Night Fever" and so I thought I'd dedicate this post to Saturday nights ;P.

With Lotsa Love
To all wonderful things in Life!~

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