A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Friday, November 5, 2010


Finally a holiday that I can shout happily about!

Am currently in Penang with my boss and colleague; it really is a girls' trip - just us, food and the beach! 
Went to Gurney Drive and I'm soooooooooo happy.
Every time I set foot on this island, it is compulsory that I visit Gurney Drive to savour the food. I really love the food there and I don't understand why over the years, people find that place uninteresting. I mean, I can never get enough of Gurney Drive - the atmosphere, the colours and sounds of the place and the variety of food glaring in front of me, seducing me into trying out each and every single dish served. It is Penang's identity. If one missed 

Started off our trip at around 10am and we dropped by Ipoh (my hometown) for a taste of some  infamous  steamed chicken and kuey teow. So ya, NEVER LEAVE IPOH without trying the steamed chicken, bean sprouts & kuey teow. As an Ipoh girl, I've never really appreciated the steamed chicken, the bean sprouts & kuey teow, and never really thought about how easily accessible these dishes were until I moved to KL. Now, imagine, I'd actually drive almost 3 hours just to get a taste of that when previously, it was just a 15 min drive away. I should have stocked more in my stomach to last me 30 years. 

Anyway, I've never seen the place that packed before. It is amazing and an eye-opener for me. Most of the people who dined in the restaurant were from KL, (most of the car plates indicated KL-Lites). It's amazing really to know that many many many people make road-trips down to Ipoh just for a taste of delicious.

So after a heavy lunch, we still made way for some dessert and Funny Mountain for some Soya Bean drink and "Taufu fah" (Taufu with sweet syrup - one famous local dessert).
My God, brings back loads of memories.
This place called "Funny Mountain" has been operating for years and has been serving the best Taufu fah in Ipoh. The best is that it is drive-through. Basically, you park your car by the roadside, and then there will be a waiter getting your orders. They'll send over your orders and you can just enjoy your dessert in the comfort of your car. 
It was my dad's favourite place - we use to go there every week.
This trip back, really brought back memories of those good old days where daddy drove us around town every Sunday for lunch; except now, I'm all grown up and driving a car!!

After a satisfying lunch, it was time to conquer Penang!!!!
When we reached, we head straight to Gurney Drive and I am so happy that I found the taste of  Laksa that I've been searching for! Honestly, why would anyone say that Gurney Drive's food is not nice?

So after Gurney Drive, we are faced with the challenge of locating our hotel. 
We know it's along the main road of Batu Feringgi - but had no idea where exactly. So up we drove, swerving the twist and turns of the long and winding road and finally............we made it!!!!!!

The place is gorgeous...simple with a Japanese touch.
I love that it's so near the beach.
It's perfect for relaxation, and that's just what we need - to get our minds off work and just focus on having loads of fun that is not tiring. 

I guess I love an escapade like this - just myself and a few close friends.
Nothing else.

Sometimes the simplest things in life makes you the happiest.

With Lotsa Love,
ps: Saw a lot of cute guys here man, but all unavailable...why? :P


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