A blog where I randomly pick something to write about...
It's a place I write when I'm bored...
It's here I put in my random thoughts of what I think of other things...
Basically, it's just me rattling...

Monday, January 18, 2010


Worked at the car wash bay yesterday - yes, literally because there is a car wash bay below our apartments for residents' car washing activities.

With 3 cars, it totally means that the 3 of us (me, sis & bro) have to wash our butts off!
Me personally and my sis are resisting hard the temptation to just drive to the nearest "bubble car wash" station and get them cars done.

Who does their own car washing, especially when there are 3 cars, right? Okay lar apparently we have to. We're just lazy. My bro suddenly turned all goody boy and insisted that car washing is a great family activity. Ya right! And a torturous one too...okaylar...I know I need to exercise a bit so...I did the washing anyway.

I was feeling better about the car wash activity later. I was gleaming proud that the Kenari is almost sparkling clean and wanted to show it off to me friends who have been laughing at the cars dirty condition of my poor Kenari.

We were halfway through the second car (my dad's Viva) when the dark clouds suddenly decided to say hi. Eventually, the dark clouds brought along a friend, Mr. Heavy Rain. I don't know which is worst, the rain wetting us or the rain washing away our effort on the car.
Since we don't have enough shaded carpark lots, we actually have to park our cars outside...and we had to park it beneath a tree. ARGH!! You know lar...when cars are parked under a tree, we get all sorts of things lying all over the car - flowers, seeds, leaves, branches, you name it.

My point here is what is the point of a car wash if it rains anyway??
But I guess wasting effort and disappointing yourself is better than wasting RM 10 on a bubble car wash.

Take care folks...
Another adventure awaits.
I hope tonight's session (don't ask what) won't be bad and won't take long.

With Lotsa Lurve,
Still waiting for a call that would change my life.

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